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It really depends on your style and music, Im thinking of one for myself, i have made a track today, sounds epic, i will not say anything until released, jus in case copyright :)

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Q: Is DJ Spunky a good DJ name?
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What does the name spunky mean?

Spunky means being couragious or feisty, wich means like showing your not affraid or hyper. Very very hyper.

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What do you need to DJ?

A dj set, connections with clubs, a logo, and a dj name. YOU NEED SKILLS!!!! screw a logo and the name, if you cant play a good set no one will want to book you. Your name could be " dj poo crap " people dont care what your name is if you kill it every time your on the decks.

What is a good dj name my name is Mario martin and im about to release a song?

Mario Martin is pretty good!

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Any name that you like is a "good" name! She's yourcharacter! Here is a LINK to a name generator if you want to find lists of names for other characters.

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DJ FE3R is actually quite good. What style do you plan on performing?

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When was Spunky created?

Spunky was created in 1993.

What was Dwight D. Eisenhower's dogs and pig name?

Heidi and Spunky