Cory Parella's birth name is Joseph Cory Parella.
Cory Travalena's birth name is Cory James Travalena.
no, cory is a male name.
Cory Churko's birth name is Cory Travis Churko.
No one ever loves you like your Mum, Mum. Everything we owe, we owe to Mum, Mum. 'We owe to Mum!' Even when she whacks you on the bum, Mum. Mum's the word and so the word is Mum. 'That's me Mum!' 'Come on Bruce!' For Mother's Day a year is fine for some, Mum. But we know our mother's job is never done, Mum. 'It's never done' You will always be her number one, Mum. Mum's the word and so the word is Mum. 'That's me Mum!'
no he is alive
No its lmfao
Ethan Joshua Maher
January 10, 2004
A prostitue
He is talking about the tea party movement.
A Prostitue?
a prostitue gets 65$/hour which is good