No, She is just an Imaginary character from Grand Theft Auto gaming series.
Thomas Candy
Yes, it is a real person, but may not be his real name he is using.
Yes, Vera Bradley is a real person.
He was a fictional character.
No, that's ridiculious. If you wants to use candy suxxx, Enter the cheat code: desperate lol :)
you cannot , it is only a mod
Candy Suxxx
CSS Suxxx was created on -20-06-03.
no silly its a candy
O, R2, D, R1, L, R, R1, L1, X, L2 play as Candy Suxxx
Candy Land is not real.
She is not Sandy Suxxx.She is Candy Suxxx.She do not come to you to hang out or similar stuff.She becomes naked during the missions and you can see that.Nudity is bad.Respect Women,candy enjoys that so its her job.
Well he isn't exactly real, people dress up as him and I guess someone in this world is named Candy Face. But the story of candy face is NOT REAL!!
Bibble Candy Popcorn is real and with 8 Royally delicious flavors on
Brett Alexander furlong
That is honestly unknown, candy is a sweet treat, back in ancient Egypt they mashed barries and nuts tougether made a paste and dried it forming bars, so there can be no real answer to that because it's unknown, however there are important people that revolutionized the candy making process