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I'm actually starting to find out that Caillou might have bad influence on our children.

I have a best friend who told me that a friend of hers has a child who watched Caillou and gradually started this habit of whinning whenever he didnt get his way---and he was too old for that habit! She immediately stopped letting him watch that show after she realized it. I also have another best friend who has a little two year old angle. Since she started watching this monstrosity of a program she has spent and average of 1 hour a day in timeout, and her parents are going crazy with her whiny behavior, and it started as soon as she started watching Caillou!

If you are a parent who is reading this and your child is starting to act like Caillou stop letting him/her watch that show!!

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11y ago

Yup, he hounds his parents for anything, and they're wimps so they get it for him. "Wah, Mommy!"

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