no she is too young to be gay and i hope she dosen't turn gay either.
She is a 9 year old dancer who dances for the Rage.
Charlize Theron has 2 children
Tamara Tiara Jaira Miller Cameron Bicondova Angel Gibbs Charlize Glass Kaylinn Robert Harris With Summer Waikkiki
Charlize Theron is 42 years old (birthdate: August 7, 1975).
Yes, Charlize Theron has 2 kids.
Charlize Glass is currently 11
Charlize Glass (of 8 Flavahz) is 16 years old (birthdate November 27, 2001).
idkaee sumbody answer it
Catholic and christain
november 27,2001
13 now
Hip hop
November 27 2001
Autumn-10 Charlize -10 Sierra-11
WikiAnswers does not reveal personal information.
she is (mixed) (mixed) with white and black