Bulldog is dead. Beefcake is alive.
No she is still alive.
On the contrary, it is Brutus who wants to leave Antony alive. He thought that if Caesar were dead, Antony would not be of any significance. Bad call.
One example of how Brutus used the appeal of reason was wen he said that if Caesar was still alive then they would all be slaves and that they would all die as slaves if Caesar wasn't dead.
No, she is not dead.
Julius doesn't give Brutus a warning. However, before Julius died, he said "Et tu Brutus" or " and you Brutus". What meant is that even Brutus, who is his friend, wanted him dead.
Messala conveys to Brutus that a hundred senators have been put to death, Cicero being one and that Brutus' wife, Portia, was dead.
they are alive and dead
Yes he is alive
The Dead Alive was created in 2005.