yes, she's still alive, she is 78 years old.
no, he is still alive, Actually, if you mean Brandon Bruce Lee then he is dead, he died during the making of "The Crow" In 1993. If you mean Jason Scott Lee then he seems to be still alive.
Yes he is still alive, he was born on October 15, 1924.
No, he is 69 and still alive.
Brenda Lee is alive and well. She still does a limited number of live concerts each year.
how old is brenda Sykes and is she still alive and is she marrie d and do she have children
yes Tim Berners Lee is still living... because he is dead
He is still alive,but hes 81 years old counting this year 2010.
He is alive.
Linda Lee Cadwell is still alive but not his husband Bruce Lee neither the son Brandon lee.
Yes, Timothy Berners-Lee is still alive.
Brenda Lee was born on December 11, 1944.
Tim Berners Lee is still alive.
Tim Berners Lee is still alive.
She is still alive.