Dillan Lauren's birth name is Angela Pinto.
He isn't dead.
yes she will be 101 this year
No Cowboy Bob Orton (Randy's Dad) is very much still alive and very active.Bob Orton Sr. Randy's grandfather and Cowboy Bob's father is the one who died.
Bob Dillan or Justin bieber
Dillan Arrick is 5' 6".
Dillan Lauren's birth name is Angela Pinto.
The male name Dillan means 'like a lion; loyal.' In the United States, there are fewer than 1,592 people with the first name Dillan.
Danica Dillan's birth name is Ashley Levis.
Dillan Arrick was born in San Francisco, in California, USA.
Danica Dillan was born on January 4, 1987, in Ohio, USA.
Dillan Gandhi was born on June 7, 1988, in Ilford, Essex, England, UK.
Dillan or the more common spellings of Dillon or Dylan is Welsh in origin and means "Great Tide"
Bob Hastings is alive.