yes she is so so so so so so hot everyone wants to go out with her
Raun Kaufman was born in 197#.
Avy Kaufman was born in 19##.
Derek Kaufman is 6' 3".
Millard Kaufman was born on March 12, 1917.
Rose Kaufman's birth name is Fisher, Rose.
Kaufman, Texas is in Kaufman County.
Jane Kaufman has written: 'Jane Kaufman'
Wolfe Kaufman's birth name is William Kaufman.
The address of the Kaufman County Library is: 3790 S Houston St, Kaufman, 75142 3714
Charlie Kaufman's birth name is Charles Stewart Kaufman.
Gerald Kaufman's birth name is Gerald Bernard Kaufman.
Matthew Kaufman's birth name is Matthew Alexander Kaufman.
Lloyd Kaufman's birth name is Stanley Lloyd Kaufman Jr..
Robert L. Kaufman has written: 'The ceramic sculpture of Bob Kaufman'
Bel Kaufman has written: 'Bel Kaufman's up the down stair case'
Lily Hayes Kaufman's birth name is Lily-Hayes Kaufman.
Larry Kaufman was born in 1947.