What is & isn't "evil" is culturally subjective. For one, the Joker has no official origin story. not even the oh-so-popular Killing Joke, which isn't as detailed as the new Lovers & Madmen origin.
If he is evil, it's because he's sane. He fakes his insanity to stay cozy in Arkham instead of rotting on death row. He's an actor with a high IQ & rock-bottom morals.
If he's not evil, it's because he's insane & believes that the world is just a dream where he & Batman are the only real people. If he truly believes this, then he believes that the people he kills don't really exist. Legally, that would make him not competent enough to be responsible for his own actions.
That only happens in fiction. In real life, there are no super powers.
Batman's real name is Bruce Wayne
No. It is not correct to say that Batman is real because it is not.
yes it is possible and not to complex either.
Batman's alter ego is practically his identity which covers him being Batman. His alter ego is Bruce Wayne.
Batman is fake, so he's not married
Batman is a fictional character created for comic books and movies. The concept of a real-life vigilante like Batman doesn't align with the principles of law and justice in society. Additionally, the complexities of Batman's gadgets, training, and resources make it unrealistic for a single individual to replicate in real life.
Same fighting skill Batman would use.
It might be but Keep it a secret.
batman is not real.
None that is known but if adopted by a real batman then possibly. And has expierince with fighting.AND know's how to ride a moter cycle and finally,is acrobatic.
That only happens in fiction. In real life, there are no super powers.
Neither are real.
Bob Kane, along with Bill Finger, created Batman, but never was Batman in real life. However, there is a character named Kathy Kane who is Batwoman in the comics, and another character named Betty Kane, who is Flamebird.