

Is Batman a vigilante

Updated: 8/29/2023
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11y ago

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first, you would need a base of operations, or as described in comics, a "Bat-cave". you would have to make this hidden, yet easy to get to, stock it up on the latest radar, tracking and computer software to date, and have a simple export to the city. that leads us to gear. where would batman be without a belt full of just about anything he could ever possibly need? you would need 3 types of transportation[NOTE: batman himself has more than this, but 3 is all you really need.]. land-based, water-based, and air-based. also a very important piece of equipment is the suit/armor/costume. Normally, when confronted with terms of protection against harm, i would send you after 3 basic components; Kevlar(guns) Nomex(fire) and a stab plate(you do the math there). but, all this together is kinda heavy, and since batman needs to be quick, its a downer. plus i wouldn't go after it if your on a budget(kevlar:$2000/nomex:$1000/stab plate:$500 at least)BUT BUT BUT the military is working on a new component, not only selling it to street cops, but to the public around $200 a gallon. that's right "GALLON" its a liquid armor, known as 'polyethylene glycol' and not only meets the requirements for the suit, but also flexible and, it being based on latex, is near invisible to radar and thermal caste. they are also building artificial spider silk, which is 5x stronger than steel. but unless time is on your side, it wont be finished for another 7 years. oh, your heading towards P.E.G., i see?good boy. batarangs are simple, grapnel guns are in development, and the rest is easy as 1 2 3. also some physical and mental work involved. Bruce Wayne spent quite a bit of time learning several forms of Martial Arts. the average joe looking to spend his nights beating goons to a pulp in spandex and saying to everybody "I'm the god dang batman", wont have 5+ years to get to his muscles peak. so, what's the solution? Keysi fighting method! its the special fighting style of around 7 others rolled into one, and fairly easy too. now, the mental part of the spectrum. this is harder. while Bruce Wayne can beat the living crap out of somebody to get what he wants to know, sometimes he needs to resort to other ways sometimes. he is a flipping genius, for cripes sake! if i were you, id look into criminology, forensics, chemistry, technology, applied sciences, formating, and advanced digital media. remember that doing this will be on your own risk. i am not responsible for harm done unto you or the people around you if you should take this on. so there you have it, folks, how to be the batman, the caped crusader, the dark knight, the world's greatest detective, Gotham's white knight. now just one question remains; what about robin?:P

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12y ago
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11y ago


A vigilante is someone who illegally punishes an alleged lawbreaker, or participates in a group which metes out extralegal punishment to an alleged lawbreaker

Batman never really partakes of the extra-judicial punishment associated with vigilante justice and generally turns any criminal he captures over to the police. This is more closely aligned to a citizen's arrest than actual vigilantism.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, however, Batman commits various felonious acts (assault, battery, kidnapping) so his actions could not be regarded as strictly legal. So while what he does could not exactly to labelled as citizen's arrest, he is not committing any of these acts for the express purposes of punishing criminals. He is, therefore, not a vigilante.

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12y ago

YES! That is why he is the best hero. All you need is a large amount of money to finance all your gadgets, and gear. A thirst for knowledge and learn everything you possibly can. Train your body to physical perfection, get the car then go fight crime. But watch out for law enforcement what Batman does is illegal. To take the law into your own hands without being in official law enforcement officer makes you a vigilante.

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14y ago

no he is just an ordinary man with alot of money who was influenced by a bat at a very young age when his parents were killed

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7y ago

No, Batman is a fictional character.

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Lvl 1
4y ago

Yes their is loads

The Brampton Batman acts like a rlsh. Canada

The Bromley Batman Vigilante London

There was one in Russia.

The Bradford Batman handed in a criminal.

Batman in Cumbria chasing scary clowns.

So It is possible to be Batman.

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