Barbara Hale was born on April 18, 1922.
As of August 2012, Barbara Eden is still alive.
Beverly Hills,California
Yes!! She is still living, and she is currently at the age of 94 years!! No, she is NOT still living! She died about 2 years ago!
Barbara Hale (best known as Della Street on Perry Mason) and Alan Hale (best known as the Skipper on Gilligan's Island) are not related. Alan Hale's father's real name was Rufus Edward McKahan, but he took the stage name Alan Hale, Sr.However, William Katt, best known for starring in The Greatest American Hero, is Barbara Hale's real-life son. William Katt also played detective Paul Drake, Jr., in several Perry Mason made-for-tv movies.
As of today Barbara Walters, the journalist and talk show host, has not died.
Yes she is still alive.
Barbara Hale goes by Barb.
are barbara and jean hale sisters
Barbara Hale was born on April 18, 1922.
Barbara Hale was born on April 18, 1922.
No. They are not related.
no they died in 1998
As of August 2012, Barbara Eden is still alive.
go to the graveyard