No, she's not. She gave birth to her beautiful daughter, Isabella on December 7th, 2009.
Arianne Zucker's birth name is Arianne Bethene Zucker.
She was born on June 28, 1978, so she is 34.
Yes, actor and artist Ariana Richards smokes. Strangely, she enjoys 120-length cigarettes. She has been known to smoke Mores and Virginia Slims. Occasionally is seen smoking Marlboros and American Spirits too.
Jeffrey Zucker is currently the president of CNN Worldwide and was the former CEO of NBC Universal. Also the 1990 movie, Ghost, was directed by Jerry Zucker.
Arianne Zucker's birth name is Arianne Bethene Zucker.
Arianne Zucker was born on June 3, 1974.
Arianne Tavares is 5' 3".
Arianne Tavares goes by Ari.
Arianne Zucker
Nicole Dimera is played by Arianne Zucker.
Yeah. Arianne said in an interview that she was friends with Nadia.
Yeah, she's pregnant.
Yes. The character of Nicole was in prison while Arianne was on maternity leave in real life. She is now back on DOOL playing Nicole Walker Dimera.
Yes, she is. She's also best friends with her other co-stars, Nadia Bjorlin, Crystal Chappell, Kate Mansi, and Arianne Zucker. She is the godmother to BFF, Arianne Zucker's baby daughter, Isabella Lowder and the aunt of fellow co-star Molly Burnett.