Yeah, but he regulalry does a singer, so you might still have a chance!
André Rieu is 61 years old (birthdate: October 1, 1949).
I am not sure if Marc is married, but he is in a relationship. He and his partner have two children. Ivan and Fleur.
He married Hans Spree. It was in 1959.
Andrea Joyce.
when was Pierre reui wedding and who did he marry
Andre Rieu's daughter-in-law is Marjorie Rieu. She is married to Andre Rieu's son, Pierre Rieu. Marjorie is an artist and also works in the music industry.
yes and yes.
Eefje van Hombergh is not in Andre Rieu's orchestra. She is an actress, and her connection to the Rieu family is that she is married to Andre's brother, Pierre.
André Rieu is 61 years old (birthdate: October 1, 1949).
I am not sure if Marc is married, but he is in a relationship. He and his partner have two children. Ivan and Fleur.
He married Hans Spree. It was in 1959.
I think she married his son...They just had a "grandson" She did not marry Pierre Rieu. She married a guitar player named Mitch Mulders and she now lives in Northern Norway.
He married his long time gay lover Guy de Lombard.