Amanda Tapping and McKenzie Westmore are not related. Amanda is from England, and McKenzie was born in San Fernando, California.
Richard is dating with Amanda...NO he's not. Amanda Tapping is happily married, she and hubby just had a baby girl named Olivia.
No! Tapping married Alan Kovacs.
No they are not related, although they do look alike.
Amanda Cryer's birth name is Amanda Kasmira Pauline Brown.
Amanda Leatherman is 5'.
Amanda Tapping is Canadian.
Amanda Tapping is 5 feet and 9 inches tall.
EVERYONE has a crush on Amanda Tapping. She is just that awesome.
Amanda Tapping has a 5 year-old daughter Olivia.
Amanda Tapping was born on August 28, 1965. In the year 2009 she is 44 years old.
where dose amazon amanda lives
Amanda Tapping is currently living in Ontario, Canada with her husband and daughter.
Richard is dating with Amanda...NO he's not. Amanda Tapping is happily married, she and hubby just had a baby girl named Olivia.
No! Tapping married Alan Kovacs.
Amanda Tapping is presumably heterosexual and married to Alan Kovacs. The couple have a daughter named Olivia together.