No, Alexander is NOT gay. If you listen to his songs, mostly all of them have mention of a girl in them, not a guy. He doesn't even act gay or look like he's gay. He looks like a well rounded, straight, nice and recently discovered celebrity.
Alexander Rybak has not confirmed publicly what his favorite food is.
Yes, Alexander did have a girlfriend, but they broke up, and that is also how he came up with "Fairytal", to like, express his feelings Is´nt that just so cute
No, the rumors are not true. In his song "Fairytale" it talks about how he was in love with A GIRL not a guy, so no, they aren't true. He's too cute to be gay anyway! :) ^^^Actually, he did say he way bisexual (according to some sources). (To the above answerer- bisexual doesn't mean gay... it mean that you're able to fall in love with either gender.)
He is NOT gay he has a son and is happily married. He says he acts gay because its his job.
Yes, there seems to be evidence from the media and the internet that he is gay.
Alexander rybak likes only girls:D
Alexander Rybak's favorite color is black
Alexander Rybak was born on May 13, 1986.
Alexander Rybak was born on May 13, 1986.
Alexander Rybak goes by Titten Tei.
Alexander Rybak didn't give out his e-mail address, but, surprisingly, he gave out his Myspace and his Face book. They are for Facebook- Alexander Rybak to find him, and for Myspace it's Alexander Rybak, and his exact page is the 3rd one down.
Alexander Rybak is a Norwegian singer, music composer, violinist, pianist, writer, and actor. Alexander Rybak represented Norway at the 2009 Eurovision song contest in Moscow.
Alexander rybak likes only girls:D
Alexander rybak say in star channel in Greece tv that he likes a girl but he hasn't many time to talk her...
Alexander Rybak is 31 years old (birthdate: May 13, 1986).
He does have a facebook, but not a twitter.