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Akshay Kumar is Hindu Punjabi

Hindu by religion

Punjabi by culture

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14y ago
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10y ago

Yes, Akshay is a Punjabi man. His real names shows the fact. Bhatia is his name or last name which shows the same.

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11y ago

no he is a hindu brahmin

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Q: Is Akshay Kumar Punjabi
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What is the religion of Akshay Kumar?

Akshay Kumar is the name of Rajiv Bhatia. He is from New Delhi, the capital of India country. Bhatia's are generally Punjabi so he is a Punjabi.

What is cast of Akshay Kumar?

Akshay Kumar has a surname of Bhatia. Bhatia's are generally Punjabi. They belong to Northern India.

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Is Akshay Kumar is a Punjabi pandit?

Yes,akshay kumar is a punjabi pandit. His real name is rajiv hari om bhatia. Bhatia surname is related to pandit caste.

Is aksay Kumar chamar?

No, Akshay Kumar is not a chamar. He is a punjabi. He was a martial arts teacher and lived in New Delhi.

What is the best movie of Akshay Kumar?

The best movie of Akshay Kumar is Singh is King. He played a very good Singh role in it. He played a PUnjabi boy in Namaste London.

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When did Akshay Kumar Maitreya die?

Akshay Kumar Maitreya died in 1930.

Which was the second movie of Akshay Kumar?

Akshay Kumar's second movie was 'Khiladi'.

What is Akshay Kumar's birthday?

Akshay Kumar was born on September 9, 1967.

When did Akshay Kumar Datta die?

Akshay Kumar Datta died in 1886.