aj likes boys
AJ is my bestest friend in the whole wide world obviously not.
Yes, AJ does speak Spanish.
AJ Lee plays video games.
Aj Almasi's birth name is Andrea Almasi.
AJ Perez's birth name is Antonello Joseph Sarte Perez.
AJ Perez was born on February 17, 1993.
AJ Perez was born on February 17, 1993.
Steph Ayson was the girlfriend of the late Filipino actor, AJ Perez. AJ Perez was killed in a car accident on April 17, 2011.
AJ Perez died on April 17, 2011 at the age of 18.
She was AJ Perez's popular girlfriend. RIP AJ
AJ Perez was born on February 17, 1993 and died on April 17, 2011. AJ Perez would have been 18 years old at the time of death or 22 years old today.
true of aj Perez is 5'6.5 mas matangkad pa si Gerald Anderson ng 2.5 inch...
Steph Ayson :)
no!! HINDI!! NEVER!!
Steph Ayson :D
yes it's on abs cbn summer station ID 2009