Yes. 5o Cent has claimed to be Christian, but he has not mentioned what denomination he is part of.
What kind of a question is that? Why would anyone choose 50cent? eminem is the definition of rap.
yes! 50cent did get shot in the face in the jaw one time also in the and in his back
he is christian funny yes he is christian
Oops I did it again by Britney Spears or maybe it was Candy Shop by 50cent nah i think it was the backstreet boys last song
Christian Schaanning's birth name is Schaanning Christian.
50cent is in new york.
What is 50cent mailing address
can i listen to i get money from 50cent.
50cent was born on July 6th THE SAME DAY AS MINE!
no 50cent is only a rapper who is not in the WWE(orWWF(oldie) and mayweather is a pro boxer no 50cent will not help my friend .
50cent is an American rapper. type in 50 cent rapper on Google if you wanna find out more
no way