It is not our policy to provide personal information, including the e-mail addresses and telephone numbers of celebrities. You may want to look for "contact us" information on the band's Facebook page or on their website.
They haven't given out their personal cell numbers and quite frankly I don't blame them. However alot of people seem to think that the number 323 319 6060 is their group is not. That is their fanline.
The fan phone number for Mindless Behavior is 323-319-6060. You can get Mindless Behavior updates and leave a message if you join their mobile list.
No its a fan club number y would they give out their real numbers
An official fan phone number for Jacob Perez is not available at this time.
one of the members of mindless behavior
Mindless behaviors number is 323-319-6060
mindless behaviors phone number is 323-319-6060 it is in the my girl video roc royal says it at the end
323 319 6060 thats the mindlessbehavior number always mindless
Call them 323-319-6060
323 319 6060
They haven't given out their personal cell numbers and quite frankly I don't blame them. However alot of people seem to think that the number 323 319 6060 is their group is not. That is their fanline.