well, I recently learnt that Rupert is single. To be exact I learned it on 30 June.
No, Rupert Grint is single. For now.
Rupert Grint's birth name is Rupert Alexander Lloyd Grint.
Rupert Alexander Grint.
His name is Rupert Grint
Rupert Grint is a/an Actor
Sorry, Rupert Grint does not have one.
No, Rupert Grint does not have a facebook. There are many fake Rupert Grint accounts, but none belong to him.
Rupert Grint has 1 child
No. Rupert Grint lives in England.
Sorry, Rupert Grint does not have one.
Rupert Grint does not have a Pottermore account.
Yes, Rupert Grint has 1 kids