Natalie Imbruglia is 42 years old (birthdate: February 4, 1975).
Natalie Imbruglia married to Daniel Johns from 2003 to 2008
No, she is married and has a kid
Torn was released in 1997 and was her first internationally released single. It soon reached number two in the UK Singles Chart in November of 1997, and number 1 on the Billboard Airplay chart for 14 weeks.
Torn is often credited to Natalie Imbruglia, who launched her singing career with this song in 1993. Imbruglia had recently been on the Australian soap opera "Neighbors" from 1992-1994. The song was actually written in 1993 by Anne Previn and Scott Cutler of Ednaswap, In 1994, Lis Sorensen topped the charts in Denmark with "Braendt", a Danish translation of the piece. Ednaswap recorded their own version of "Torn" in 1995 and in 1996, Trine Rein had a runaway hit with it in Norway. It was not until 1997 that Natalie Imbruglia topped the American, Australian, and British sites with her version.
Natalie Imbruglia's birth name is Natalie Jane Imbruglia.
Natalie Imbruglia was born on February 04, 1975
Natalie Imbruglia has 1 child
Yes, Natalie Imbruglia has 1 kids
Yes, Natalie Imbruglia has 1 kids
Natalie Imbruglia has 1 child
Natalie Imbruglia was born on February 4, 1975.
Natalie Imbruglia was born on February 4, 1975.
Natalie Imbruglia was born on February 04, 1975
Natalie Imbruglia is a/an Singer-songwriter , actress , model
Natalie Imbruglia is not in Johnny English reborn.
Natalie Imbruglia married to Daniel Johns from 2003 to 2008