Marilyn Gillies Carr was born in 1941.
Claire Holt is not dating Daniel Gillies. Daniel Gillies married Rachael Leigh Cook in 2004 and they are stilled married.
Carol Gillies died in 27 July 1991 of brain tumour.
New Zealand actor Daniel Gillies is 42 years old (birthdate: March 14, 1976).
June 20th, 1984
No, Liz Gillies is not single.
Elizabeth Gilles is currently single.
George Gillies
She is currently, (as some say), dating Avan Jogia. Others say she's single. And still others say she has a child. She didn't give birth 2 him and she didn't adopt him, but apparently, he's her kid. U guys know she is only 18, right?
Max Gillies's birth name is Maxwell Gillies.
Elizabeth Gillies' full name is Elizabeth Egan Gillies.
George Gillies
No, Elizabeth Gillies is not dead.
George Gillies
Elizabeth Gillies's birth name is Elizabeth Egan Gillies.
Isabel Gillies's birth name is Isabel Boyer Gillies.