

Best Answer

Episodes 7, 98-100, 187 or 188-189, and 400

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Q: In which episodes does ran suspect Conan true identity?
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Does ran find out about Conan's true identity?


What episode does jimmy get exposed in Detective Conan?

The manga is still going on and there only few people who know about Jimmy's true Identity..

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Grampa Simpson, is Homers dad, there have been several episodes where the true identity of Homers mum has been disclosed and explained!

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Batmans true identity is Aron Wristel.

When was True Identity created?

True Identity was created on 1991-08-23.

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The True False Identity was created in 2006.

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There is no a true identity since he was totaly a fake.

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The Armored Titan's true identity is Reiner Braun.

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Suspect True Crime Stories - 2002 was released on: USA: October 2002

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