Shawn was never stabbed but he was shot in season four episode nine titled: Shawn Takes a Shot in the Dark.
season 3 episode 5
Episode 1, season 1
He was shot-Spoilers-[EDIT]-Well he isn't particularly Dead. He gets shot by a specialized bullet similar to the dying will bullet(Organized by Shoichi Irie), that puts him into a coma-like state. Therefore, giving the enemies an impression that he is dead.
No. That was created solely for the PTV video
season 2 episode 25
No, the shot bullet will land after the dropped bullet. This is because the shot bullet has an initial horizontal velocity in addition to the vertical acceleration due to gravity, while the dropped bullet only has the vertical acceleration due to gravity.
Because that was the way it was loaded into the gun, shot charge, bullet charge, shot charge, bullet charge. If you load it that way, it will shoot that way.
pp = shot He has shot his last bullet.
If the gun is stationary before the shot, then the momentum of the gun and the momentum of the bullet are equal and opposite after the shot.
Yes, a bullet can be shot with no gun. A bullet does not need a lot of speed to kill someone. Say someone threw a bullet to the ground, it might bounce back up and hit you, thus causing you to die or be injured
jimmy gets shot and in episode of danger zone sppiner gets shot
Going "like a shot" means "as straight and as fast as a bullet shot from a gun."