Zabuza dies in episode 19 of the original Naruto series, titled "The Demon in the Snow." After being defeated by Kakashi, Zabuza is ultimately killed by his own comrade, Haku, to release him from his suffering. This event marks a significant turning point in the series, showcasing themes of loyalty, sacrifice, and redemption.
No, he's dead. He is mentioned though. . .and there are flashbacks of him. Like when Sasuke and Suigetsu are trying to find his blade for example (sasuke has a really long flashback of Naruto and him fighting Zabuza. He also gets all mad/jelous/sad when he sees that the bridge is named the great Naruto bridge! :) That made m LOL!!!
as of 3rd of November 2010, Zabuzaa has been resurrected and will be fighting on the side of evil in the 4th great ninja war! (oh and haku too!)
i dont know wat rain nin ur talking about but if its zabuza its in naruto episode 6
I am thinking that it is Naruto episode 79 the last episode of 4th season.
orochimaru dies in episode 138 of naruto shippuden
I'm think Zabuza.
Her anime debut was Naruto Shippuden episode 115: Zabuza's Blade.
i dont know wat rain nin ur talking about but if its zabuza its in naruto episode 6
Episode 19 Naruto doesn't kill Zabuza. He dies while trying to kill Gato after he is injured by Kakashi.
Zabuza first faught in volume fiveidiot ^Suigetsu appears in episode 115 of Shippuuden.
yes they do it when fighting zabuza.Twice actually both to kill zabuza first zabuza no die 2nd he does.
that doesn't happen in a naruto episode in one if the naruto shippuden movies it shows that naruto died but he doesn't die it's just the movie.
naruto doesent die yet
I am thinking that it is Naruto episode 79 the last episode of 4th season.
Naruto Shippuden episode 229
episode 88
Of course not!
orochimaru dies in episode 138 of naruto shippuden