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"Brian Griffin's House of Payne"

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Q: In which episode does Stewie have a head accident?
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In what episode of Family Guy does Stewie become a squid?

season 2, episode 3 "da boom" where they all service Y2k and head to the twinkie factory. stewie is a squid in that episode.

What episode does Stewie meet older Stewie?

That would be Stewie Griffin: The Untold Story

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Season 6 Episode 5: Lois Kills Stewie

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Brian tell Stewie the truth when they are stuck in the bank vault in the episode Brian & Stewie

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Which episode of Family Guy does Lois kiss Meg's boyfriend?

Season 8 | Episode 13: "Go Stewie Go"

What Family Guy episode do Brian and Stewie perform at the Emmys?

Brian & Stewie's Emmy appearance & performance wasn't part of any Family Guy episode.

What episode starts with stewie in cave making a terrorist movie?

Stewie isn't making a "terrorist movie"... but you are thinking of "PTV" Episode 14 of the 4th season.

What is the family guy episode when stewie thinks that peter isn't his father?

This happens in Stewie Griffin: The Untold Story.Specifically it's the episode, Bango Was His Name-O

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What is the song that stewie griffin sings in the The Tan Aquatic with Steve Zissou episode?