Most recently Shrek, although an old John Wayne movie may have used in the distant past...
It is certainly said by Burt Kwouk in the Inn of The Sixth Hapiness (1958) when journeying across the mountains with Ingrid Bergmann and 100 orphans whilst fleeing from the Japanese, shortly before he gets killed. I have to watch it again, i love this movie. Waiting for it to be aired on HBO
Donnie Brasco. Right after they kill the three capos.
This quote is originally from Aquilies in the movie Troy. However, it is also quoted by Leonidas in the movie 300, in an allusion to the movie 'Troy'.
The quote is from the movie "Waiting..." with Ryan Reynolds, Justin Long and Dane Cook.
The oldest reference of "it's quiet, too quiet." seems to be from Marcel Duchamp.He is Quoted as saying "One doesn't drink here any more and it's quiet, too quiet." after arriving in New York from France in early January of 1920.The quote is referring to the fact that Prohibition had recently gone into effect.
Supertroopers! It was bothering me a lot too
the quiet man
the movie FAME!! the new one is coming out September twenty-something...but the original one was good too!!
The Way We Were (1973)
Queen, quotations, quote, quite, quit, quiet.
mcclintock that is wrong it is The Quiet Man.
The Rock
Quite Quit Quale Quote
A guy who is quiet and smart too.(:
I too have watched that movie. There is this great quote in it, "Get out of there before you start believing too" But can't remember the title of the movie. sorry!