Jacob is a werewolf. Technically, he does not become a werewolf until the second novel, New Moon, and he remains a werewolf for the rest of the series.
Jacob in twilight isn't actually a werewolf he is a shape shifter as he doesn't posses all of the features of a werewolf because a werewolf bites people to turn them into werewolfs (their real name is children of the moon).Whereas Jacob was born into what he is but his family have stuck to just changing into werewolfes.
Jaacob tells charlie hes a werewolf in breaking dawn.
He has Mono virus
Whenever she slaps one of Jacob's friends and then Jacob's friend becomes a werewolf and is about to attack Bella but, Jacob comes and jumps over Bella and he becomes a werewolf whenever he jumps over Bella and then she sees him and she sees that he is a werewolf!!!!!!! =o]
No he didnt he became a shape shifter not a werewolf!!
When he became a werewolf
Jacob never actually changed into a werewolf. He became a shape-shifter when he was 16 in the second book, New Moon. The reason he changes into a wolf is because that's what the packs ancestors changed into. :)
Jacob is a werewolf. Technically, he does not become a werewolf until the second novel, New Moon, and he remains a werewolf for the rest of the series.
No. Jacob is a werewolf
In the book Bella describes him as a huge shaggy russet coloured wolf.
Jacob Black is the werewolf in Twilight. There are many werewolf characters in different fictions.
he was a werewolf
Jacob is a werewolf who is in love with Bella. He hates Edward. So to answer your question hes a werewolf
Jacob Black is 16 years old in New Moon, Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn since he stopped aging when he became a Werewolf.
Jacob does grow, a lot. He is a werewolf.
Yes and no. He's a shapeshifter who turns into a werewolf.