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Jacob got the tattoo when he figured out he was a werewolf. Sam and his "gang" all have one.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

he got it for new moon. did u notice how ALL the wolves have it? yeah, they all got it 4 the movie.

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Q: In the new moon movie has Jacob always had the tattoo or did he get it once he became a werewolf?
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Jacob is actually a werewolf?

No he didnt he became a shape shifter not a werewolf!!

When did Jacob start avoiding Bella in New Moon?

When he became a werewolf

What age was Jacob when he turned into a werewolf?

Jacob never actually changed into a werewolf. He became a shape-shifter when he was 16 in the second book, New Moon. The reason he changes into a wolf is because that's what the packs ancestors changed into. :)

In Twilight what does Jacob turn into?

Jacob is a werewolf. Technically, he does not become a werewolf until the second novel, New Moon, and he remains a werewolf for the rest of the series.

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No. Jacob is a werewolf

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In the book Bella describes him as a huge shaggy russet coloured wolf.

Who the werewolf?

Jacob Black is the werewolf in Twilight. There are many werewolf characters in different fictions.

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Jacob is a werewolf who is in love with Bella. He hates Edward. So to answer your question hes a werewolf

How old was Jacob Black in Mew Moon?

Jacob Black is 16 years old in New Moon, Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn since he stopped aging when he became a Werewolf.

In twilight does Jacob get older?

Jacob does grow, a lot. He is a werewolf.

Does Jacob transform into a werewolf?

Yes and no. He's a shapeshifter who turns into a werewolf.