If you do some research about Dulce, New Mexico then watch this movie you will be amazed! The research of this area is very limited and should only take you about 5 days to read it all. It is truly amazing!
well some peole say it is but its not how can a frecky girl that went to the gym and have blod all over her! omg that is so fake and when those guys came no that is fake and when they gave the little a rock and found him every time and where ever they go yeah that is fake !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LMN and Lifetime made movies based on true lfe events BUT sometimes names on movies are change for legal reasons for example the movie "Fatal Vows: the Alexandra Ohara history" is based on a killer life and crimes (Alejandro Henriquez a local cab driver in the Bronx back in 1990) this man kill 4 girl teens when his name was involve in his first victim case jessica guzman(14) he was already inplicated on an asault case of his wife son (3 years old at that time) he got 75 years on prision for murder charges and charges for scalding his wife son. Alexandra Ohara is a ficticional character based on Andrea rosario (last name unknow) current wife and boy victim mother, for legal reasons LMN intentionally create a ficticious name in this movie, and is not the first time, parents of Megan Meier dont agree with LMN movie based on her daugthers uicide case so Lmn display a message about movie is not based on real life events. is unknow if Megan Meier parents sue LMN or lifetime for the movie. so if this movie is based on real life events and for legal reasons lifetime or lmn change or add more to the movie is hard to know
No, it is not based on a true story.
nope, its not based on a true story.... its a horror movie in a documentary style.. unique right? :)
No...Lovely Molly is not based on a true story.
yes it is based on a true story
Yes, it was based on a true story. Some parts are exaggerated but apart from that it is a true story.
No, it is not based on a true story.
yes it is based on a true story
Yes, it is based on the true story of Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook.
No, it is based on a screenplay written by Will Fetters
Yes it is based on a true story.
nope, its not based on a true story.... its a horror movie in a documentary style.. unique right? :)
No, it is not.
Any movie can be based on a true story, that's what horror's about
The movie What If (2013) starring Daniel Radcliffe and Zoe Kazan is completely fiction, and not based on a true story.
No, the movie "Life is Beautiful" is not based on a true story. It is a work of fiction set during the Holocaust.
no it is not based on a true story but it could happen.