I'm not sure what you mean. Lady never kills anything- unless you count the newspaper she accidentily shred while bringing it to her master. Tramp kills the rat that harms the baby- is that what you mean? Hope it helped.
In the animated movie Lady and the Tramp (1955), Lady is an American Cocker Spaniel.
In Lady and the Tramp, the Beaver does not have a given name other than just Beaver. The voice of the Beaver was done by Stan Freeberg in the 1955 original movie.
Lady is an American Cocker Spaniel and Tramp is a Mini Schnauzer.
Lady is a Cocker spaniel and Tramp is a mutt.
Light blue with a gold tag
Every Lady and the Tramp movie
Tramp ?
Siamese CatsIn early versions of the script for the movie "Lady and the Tramp", Tramp was named Homer.
lady and the tramp
Yes , in 2001 "Lady and the Tramp II: Scamp's Adventure " was released .
Lady and the Tramp.
Lady and the tramp
The song featured in the Lady and the Tramp 2 commercial is "Bella Notte," which is also known as "The Spaghetti Song." It is the iconic love theme from the original Lady and the Tramp movie.
The name of the lovable little puppy in Lady and the Tramp is Lady.
Yes, they have 4 puppies 3 that look like Lady and 1 that looks like Tramp, the puppies are in the Second movie...The, puppies names are Anette, Colette, and Danielle and Scamp.