Paul Kevin Jonas Jr. (Kevin Jonas) is 30 years old (born November 5, 1987). Joseph Adam Jonas (Joe Jonas) is 28 years old (born August 15, 1989). Nicholas Jerry Jonas (Nick Jonas) is 25 years old (born September 16, 1992). There is a fourth brother, Franklin Nathaniel Jonas (Frankie Jonas), who is not a part of the band, who was born September 28, 2000).
== == The Jonas Brother's official site is and there are many up-to-date photos on this site. However there are many other placed where you can find photos of the Jonas Brothers, such as: -Photobucket -Flickr -Yahoo!Images -Google Images
No all of the Jonas Brothers date celebrities but they say that they will most likely spend the rest of their lives with a fan
the Jonas brother that went out with Miley is Nick Jonas
Yes Her full name is Danielle Deleasa
Kevin Jonas says his perfect date is at the beach. he thinks it's so romantic!
Joe Jonas' birthday is August 15,1989. Kevin Jonas' birthday is November 5,1987
Joe,Kevin and Nick Jonas said they would date a fan. Altough, Kevin is currently engaged.
Paul Kevin Jonas II November 5, 1987
Yes, look at "will Kevin Jonas date a 3 year old"
Meaghan Martin
i wouldn't date him. after all, he is the 'ugly Jonas brother' lol.
Cause Kevin is getting married to Danielle
He was born in the year 3000!
NO!! Kevin and Demi never dated. Demi dated Joe but they broke up :(
they haven't decided yet