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He thinks about washing his dirty grey shirt.

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Q: In the Lorid of the Flies what are the signs that Ralph is still tied to civilization?
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What are the signs that Ralph is still tied to civilization?

He thinks about washing his grey shirt

What are the signs that Ralph is still tried to civilization?

Ralph's desire to maintain order and rules on the island, his reluctance to give in to savagery like the other boys, and his use of the conch shell as a symbol of authority are signs that he is still tied to civilization. Additionally, his attempts to build shelters and signal for rescue show his continued connection to the norms of society.

Which civilization made the zodiac signs?

Is it babylonians .

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What are the difference between the first and second meeting lord the of flies?

In the first meeting in "Lord of the Flies," the boys gather using the conch shell and establish rules for order and civilization. In the second meeting, tensions arise and the boys begin to exhibit signs of savagery as power struggles emerge.

In chapter three what are the signs of order and organization in Lord of the flies?

In chapter three of "Lord of the Flies," signs of order and organization include the boys holding regular meetings, establishing rules for the conch shell as a symbol of authority, and assigning tasks such as building shelters and maintaining the signal fire. Additionally, Ralph's efforts to prioritize rescue over other concerns demonstrate a desire for structure and governance on the island.

What do you know about Ralph so far On chapter 1 lord of the files?

In Chapter 1 of "Lord of the Flies," Ralph is introduced as a charismatic boy who finds himself on a deserted island after a plane crash. He quickly assumes a leadership role and establishes order by using a conch shell to call meetings. Ralph also shows early signs of rationality and a desire to be rescued by focusing on building a signal fire.

Did Sam and Eric attend the dance in which Simon was killed?

No, Sam and Eric did not attend the dance where Simon was killed in William Golding's novel "Lord of the Flies." They were part of the group that was hunting Ralph at the time.

Why were martian canals important to people at that time?

People though the supposed canals were signs of a civilization living on Mars.

What signs of stress and fear can we see in Ralph piggy and samnerics behavior?

Ralph may exhibit signs of stress such as irritability, difficulty concentrating, and physical symptoms like headaches or stomachaches. Piggy may display fear through avoidance behaviors, nervousness, and seeking reassurance from others. Samneric may show signs of stress and fear by being easily startled, having trouble sleeping, and being hypervigilant in their surroundings.

What does Ralph notice about the littleuns?

Ralph notices that the littleuns are dirty and unkempt, showing signs of neglect and disarray. He also observes that they are easily scared and struggle to make decisions on their own without adult supervision. Additionally, Ralph notices that the littleuns look up to him as a leader and seek reassurance and protection from him.

What are the most significant events at the end of the chapther of the book lord of the flies in chapter 12?

piggy dies