It's ironic because she's the person fattening the kids up for slaughter; she's making them good for the interviews and attractive for the audience and then they die in The Hunger Games.
katniss got sever burns during a fire the gamesmakers set. this is ironic because she is know as the girl on fire or fire girl because her costume for the opening ceremonies was on fire, he stylist did this to make her noticeable. it was safety fire.
Effie Trinket's comment about District Twelve being so barbaric creates situational irony.
The ironic part is that they went looking for a beast and found one technically even though it was just a dead pilot with a parachute.
Prudence cuffs first name is ironic because Little Prudence Cruff is the mistreated daughter of Goodwife and Goodman Cruff.
He carried around condoms
I can tell you're taking answers from other people.
I think because Katniss almost starved to death but im not sure :)
The Hunger Games is set in the future, and it gives readers an idea of what might happen when North America is destroyed. Katniss lives in a poor area of District 12, and that makes it ironic that someone so poor and unknown to the rest of Panem could suddenly become famous by something completely random.......or is it?
katniss got sever burns during a fire the gamesmakers set. this is ironic because she is know as the girl on fire or fire girl because her costume for the opening ceremonies was on fire, he stylist did this to make her noticeable. it was safety fire.
No (that was ironic).
Effie Trinket's comment about District Twelve being so barbaric creates situational irony.
The people came here searching for religious freedom but ended up forcing it upon the natives...he also refered to them as barbarians but also called them more civilized than the's the link for more info. There is a link below.
The tone was ironic
The Epigram is fairly ironic.
The tone of "Ironic" by Alanis Morissette is sarcastic and ironic. The song discusses situations that are presented as ironic but are actually just unfortunate or coincidental, playing on the idea of situational irony.
because in Latin panem comes from something which means bread and circuses which is ironic because peeta lives in a bakery and the practice arena is like a circus where people are watching them x
yes it is ironic