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Stan Shunpike is the conductor on the Knight Bus, the magical wizard's bus. He first appears at the beginning of the third book, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. After magically inflating his Aunt Marge, Harry runs away from the Dursley's, and ends up accidentally flagging down the Knight Bus.

Then in book 6 (Half-Blood Prince) we find out that Stan has been arrested and sent to Azkaban for talking about Death Eater plans in a pub. Harry and his friends speculated that Stan was simply lying to impress a girl or something, since Stan has never been very bright. But then at the beginning of Deathly Hallows (the "Seven Potters" chapter), Stan is flying with the Death Eaters, chasing Harry and his friends and trying to kill them. However, he appears to be under the influence of the Imperius Curse (the mind-control curse).

So, it seems that Stan ends up having some kind of involvement with the Death Eaters, but it's not clear how much of it, if any, was voluntary.

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it doesnt describe him in the last one... but in the third one it says he is a pimply boy in his late teens

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Lee Ingleby plays Stan Shunpike.

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What is the conductors name on the knight bus?

In Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Stan Shunpike is the conductor of the Knight Bus.It is unknown who became the conductor after Stan was sent to Azkaban.

Will Lee Ingleby play Stan Shunpike in 'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows'?

Currently nothing has been announced about Lee Ingleby appearing in the film which suggests Stan Shunpike has been cut - however more information could be announced soon.

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Seamus Finnigan is a Gryffindor student who shares the same dorm as Harry and has a minor role during all the books/movies. Stan Shunpike/Stanley Shunpike is the conductor of the Knight bus who Harry talks to during Prisoner of Azkaban, however he turns out to be a Deatheater (possibly because he was under the imperius curse)

Does Stan Shunpike drive the Knight Bus in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban?

No, he is the conductor of the Knight Bus. "Ernie" is the name of the man driving the bus.

In Harry Potter what does Stan shunpike say he is going to become?

In the 4th book, at the Quittich world cup Stan Shunpike (conducter of the knight bus) is talking to a veela, who like a siren is so beautiful the man looking at them falles in love with them instantly. He tells the vella that he is the youngest minister for magic ever!

In 'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows' how did Stanley Shunpike know the real Harry Potter?

In the third book, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Harry met Stan while riding the Knight Bus. In the book, Harry originally told Stan that his name was 'Neville Longbottom', but at the end of the ride on the Knight Bus, Hagrid calls Harry by his name, and Stan realizes that he just spent an entire bus ride with Harry Potter. In the Deathly Hallows it isn't Stan who realises but one of the death eaters. They know because Harry doesn't knock Stan off his broom, just disarms him. He is the only one who would do that under pressure just because he isn't a death eater. because harry is the only one who uses expelliarmus. the order of the phoenix wouldn't use that All good answers but, there is one big reason you guys are all missing. If you read the 4th book, Goblet Of Fire, you should have read about the cup being a port key to a graveyard. Right, so during that battle, Harry used Expelliamus then the death eaters knew that even under pressure Harry Potter doesn't like to kill rather then to disarm or hurt. They then assume Expelliamus is Harry's signature spell. So when he uses it under pressure again, Stan Shunpike, the Knight Bus Conductor, knew it was the real Harry Potter

Is Stan Shunpike the driver of the Knight Busis?

no, Ernie is the driver, Stan is the director

Who is the train driver in Harry Potter film?

Stan Shunpike and Ernie (i don't think you get told Ernie's second name)

Is Stan stutpike in Harry Potter 7?

not in part 1

Who is in the new 2011 Lego Harry Potter sets?

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Does Stan Shunkpike turn evil in the Harry Potter movie?

No, he is controled by Voldemort.

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