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Q: In lord of the flies who is the first to realize that Jack might prove dangerous?
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Because they just MIGHT be the first to encounter invasion or sabotage.

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What I sometimes do is dream about your crush hugging you. It might be a little weird at first, but then you will realize that warmth will comfort you.

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water does. if acid came first and you put water, it might splash and be very dangerous.

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they are dangerous because you might sink

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No, might be illeagal but not at all dangerous

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you might die tonight dangerous

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when the weather deteriorated it would have been dangerous

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It is dangerous because it might contain poison.

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then get to know the people then you might realize what jokes they like

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Yes. It might not be as dangerous if you are an adult. (I know, experience)

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Mixing chemicals can be EXTREMELY dangerous, they might not be but do NOT try it.

Do salamander's eat flies?

depends on how hungry/starving they are. they might or might not eat flies u will just have to watch and see if they do eat flies.