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There are several passages which indicate that time has passed.To quote directly from the book, the following phrases all appear in a description of Jack... "His sandy hair, considerably longer than it had been when they dropped in, was lighter now... Except for a pair of tattered shorts..." Ralph and Simon are attempting to build a third shelter, none of these were mentioned in the earlier chapters so time has obvious passed if three have been built. Ralph says, when talking about building shelters to Jack, "Been working for days now. And look!" Ralph also talks about meetings and says, "Meetings. Don't we love meetings? Every day. Twice a day. We talk." Ralph is also described as having a "Tangle of fair hair," an obvious reference to its growth. Simon is described, in further indications of the passing of time..."The coarse mop of black hair was long and swung down... He wore the remains of shorts....and, Always darkish in colour, Simon was burned by the sun to a deep tan."

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

There are several passages which indicate that time has passed.To quote directly from the book, the following phrases all appear in a description of Jack... "His sandy hair, considerably longer than it had been when they dropped in, was lighter now... Except for a pair of tattered shorts..." Ralph and Simon are attempting to build a third shelter, none of these were mentioned in the earlier chapters so time has obvious passed if three have been built. Ralph says, when talking about building shelters to Jack, "Been working for days now. And look!" Ralph also talks about meetings and says, "Meetings. Don't we love meetings? Every day. Twice a day. We talk." Ralph is also described as having a "Tangle of fair hair," an obvious reference to its growth. Simon is described, in further indications of the passing of time..."The coarse mop of black hair was long and swung down... He wore the remains of shorts....and, Always darkish in colour, Simon was burned by the sun to a deep tan."

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βˆ™ 15y ago

The boys seem to have landed on the island during a night time storm. The events of chapters one and two all occured on the day which followed their arrival. No time period is indicated but by chapter three the hair of the boys has grown noticeably longer, their clothes are in a state of disrepair and three shlters have been built near the platform. Ralph mentions how the boys enjoy meetings, every day, twice a day, implying that over the period between chapters two and three many such meetings have occured.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

The time period in Lord of the Flies is never disclosed. There are hints in Chapter three: Huts on the Beach that time has passed since the previous chapters. Mention is made of Jack's and Simon's hair having grown and both of them wear tattered shorts, which indicate that time has passed.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

they don't. piggy says that they should make a sundile but Ralph asks what for. they most likely told the range of time by the sun in the sky.

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Lord of the Flies what are indications that time has passed on the island?

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How are the kids from Lord of the Flies saved?

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What evidence did the boys find to prove there is beast lord of the flies?

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The first actual 'evidence' that the boys have other than what they claim to have seen is Simon's dead body and when Jack, the majority of the boys leader at the time said that Simon was the beast.