Dennis rodman
Hey there is nothing wrong with wanting to do that just put it on and have a good time. Most women do not mind there husband or boyfriend wearing a nightgown its no big deal
The term "nacked women" has no meaning in the English language. The term naked women, on the other hand, has had great meaning throughout history. It means women who are not wearing any clothes.
If one has blemishes or other leg problems, wearing opaque tights is a good way to cover up these issues. There is also a YouTube video about women in black opaque tights.
If you are talking about the ad in which the saleswomen is selling a red washer and dryer to a women wearing the same color, her name is Felicia Day. She is also a writer, producer and singer, and has appeared on many other commercials as well as various TV shows.
Show pictures of women wearing hoop skirts.
I think wearing heels hurts ALL women's feet.
That's when they started wearing pants. In the 1800's, women started wearing them for industrial work, and in the late 1900's, they started wearing them casualy.
Women began wearing panties in the early 19th century, as a form of undergarment to provide modesty and hygiene.
wearing jewellery
wearing jewellery
Some women do, and some women don't.
Women still do wear dresses sometimes
No, women's fashions just changed - a lot, and women stopped wearing hats, much less wearing them to Church. Also, at the same time women stopped wearing mantillas, this change was reflected in the new Code of Canon Law issued in 1983, it no longer mandated women covering their heads.