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They broke up at the end of season 3. However Cassie said if Cappie stepped up and actually tried to put an effort towards graduating and not just slacking off, for himseld and not just for her then they could try again, and possibly have a future together (not her exact words) later they do end up getting back together, well as of right now they are together (the current newest episode is in the middle of season four)

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Q: In greek season 4 what happens with Cassie and cappie?
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Scott Micheal Foster, and it is spelled Cappie

In the ABC sitcom Greek What did the note say for Casey when Cappie paid back the money he owed her?

The note said: Life's a b*tch & so am I. Sorry you had to bail me out. Cappie

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Is the name Cassie Greek?

it's Spencer Grammer. ...the show just depicts that her name is Cassandra, and short of the greek name is Cassie.

What happens if you run out of names?

If you mean hurricane names, they use the Greek alphabet if the alloted names for a season are used up.

Is there a trailer for greek season 5?

As of now, there is no official trailer released for Greek Season 5. The show ended with its fourth season in 2011, and there have been no announcements or developments regarding a fifth season or any related trailers.

What happens if you disobeyed Athena the Greek god?

The Greek goddess Athena would be wrathful.

How do you say season in Greek but with English spelling?

epohi εποχή

When does tv show greek come back for season 5?

actually, its ended in season 4. it is a total bummer.

When does new greek season start 2012?

It doesn't. It ended in 2011

When does ABC Family's greek come back for season 4?

January 25!