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During the meeting, when the littlun with the mulberry coloured birthmark on his face first mentioned the snake-thing or beastie, Ralph declared, "But there isn't a beastie!" Jack then said "Ralph's right of course. There isn't a snake-thing." Unfortunately he then contradicted the impact of this statement by adding "But if there was a snake we'd hunt it and kill it... And we'll look for the snake too---" Ralph protested again, "But there isn't a snake!" To which Jack replied, "We'll make sure when we go hunting." So in effect Jack gave credence to the littlun's story instead of just dismissing it as Ralph had done.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

Initially, Jack says they will kill a pig and leave some of the meat for the Beast in the hope the Beast will leave them alone. Then after they kill the pig, he decides to leave the head of the pig as a gift for the Beast.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Jack says he will kill it

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Q: In chapter 8 what does Jack have planned for the beast?
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What does jack say they will leave for the beast in chapter 8?

Jack says they will leave the head of a sow for the beast as an offering in Chapter 8. He believes it will appease the beast and prevent it from attacking the boys.

Who blows the conch for assembly in chapter 8?

Jack blows the conch for the assembly to talk about the beast and that Ralph thinks that Jack's hunters are cowards and can't face the beast.

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jack is the one to call this assembly in the beginning of chapter 8.

Why does jack call an assembly in chapter 8?

because they saw the beast and he wants to hunt it down and thought Ralph said that his hunters were not hunters

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The first thing that the boys decide to do, after Jack has left, is to follow Piggy's suggestion to light a fire near to the shelters since the presence of the 'beast' is preventing them from relighting the fire on the mountain top.

What chapter does Simon meet the lord of the flies?

Simon meets the beast in chapter 8 on page 137.

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I is planned to come out May 8 2021

What happens to Simon at the end of Chapter 8?

at the end of chapter 8 Simon is killed and tortured by everyone because they though that he was the beast. ^false.he loses consciousness

What does Simon discover about the beast in the lord of the flies?

In Chapter 8, Simon discovers the "real" beast is a pig (sow) head on a stick, which is the Lord of the Flies... the lord of the flies also claims that the boys created the beast and everyone of the boys is a beast in himself.... In Chapter 9, the so called beast Samneric saw in earlier chapters and the same so called beast on top of the mountain that Roger, Ralph, and Jack saw is just a dead body of an airman in a parachute (Simon's discovery)... he then untangled the parachute lines...the wind caused the body to move like a puppet

In chapter 8 of lord of the flies where do maurice bill and roger go?

To the mountain to search for the beast.

How does jack react to the vote for leadership in chapter 8?

revote for chief

Why do you think the boys join jack later in secret in chapter 8 of lord of the flies?

The boys join Jack in secret in Chapter 8 of "Lord of the Flies" because they are tempted by the promise of food and protection that Jack offers. They are swayed by their immediate desires and the sense of power and freedom that Jack represents, leading them to abandon Ralph's leadership.