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Jack showed the rest of the boys a shallow gash on his arm caused, he said, by the tusk of the boar as he had tried to grab hold of it.

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Robert snivelled, rubbed his rump ruefully and complained "Oh, my bum!"

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who get hurt is jack

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Q: In chapter 7 what happens to Jack during the pig hunt?
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What chapter does jack hunt for food?

Jack hunts for food in Chapter 3 of the book "Lord of the Flies" by William Golding.

What chapter in LOTF does jack rubs blood on maurices face?

In "Lord of the Flies," Jack rubs blood on Maurice's face in Chapter 8, during the preparation for the hunt in their descent into savagery. This act symbolizes the growing brutality and primal instinct that is consuming the boys as they become increasingly disconnected from civilization.

What is Jack trying to do in the forest?

I presume that you are referring to the start of chapter 3: Huts on the beach where Jack is alone in the forest. The answer is that Jack is trying to hunt pigs.

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The boys hunt for Ralph as an order of Jack.

What does jack suggest the boys use as the pig in their dance-like reenactment of the hunt?

Jack suggests they use a wild bird in their reenactment of the hunt. This happens in the classic novel "Lord of the Flies".

In the lord of the flies what is jack doing to himself in chapter 4 and why?

He is camouflaging himself so he can hunt without being seen

In what chapter did jack make his own tribe?

Jack made his announced his own tribe in Chapter 8: Gift for the Darkness. He said "I'm going off by myself. He can catch his own pigs. Anyone who wants to hunt when I do can com too." In the end of he chapter Jack tries to show his power and steal Piggys specs.

Why does jack call an assembly in chapter 8?

because they saw the beast and he wants to hunt it down and thought Ralph said that his hunters were not hunters

What is chapter 18 in twilight?

The 18th chapter is "The Hunt"

When was Jack Hunt born?

Jack Hunt was born on 1981-11-30.

Why is jack so excited to re-join the boys in chapter 4 lord of the flies?

Jack and a few other boys have finally killed their first pig on a hunt.

Who is the head of Jack hunt school?

Mr duncan is the Head of Jack Hunt School