The aborigines used symbols in their drawings to represent Dreamtime. If you look on a few different websites, they will explain exactly what each symbol means. I would need a full page to list them all on here.
There's no symbols on the Elder Wand. (Perhaps in the film, but the films have nothing to do with the book.)
Art for the sake of art. Little to no deep meanig or hidden messages.
Stanislavski Said it
Each symbol is a letter of the alphabet:
Symbolism was an art movement of the late 19th century. It has (strangely enough) nothing to do with symbols, which is what I think you mean. There are quite a few dictionaries of symbols. Ask at your local library!
Art symbols are a picture that represents a object,letter or animal
as a group,what are the basic visual symbols in the language of art called
were boys and girls alowd to play aboriganal musical instromenrts together
love and peace
rays of light
Art can be spoken in words. Such as symbols. They can be art :] A painting can say a lot about the artist or the subject
Animal skins.
aboriganal attacks