She say's she loves him and tells him goodbye and the reason for her leaving.....
That's in the first book.
Other than that... what letter??
x.Twi-hard Chick
The letter is from Jacob that Charlie got from Billy. Jacob crosses out this. /I don't know why you're making Charlie carry notes to Billy like we're in second grade - if I wanted to talk to you I would answer the/ He crosses it out and starts again /You made the choice here, okay? You can't have it both ways when/ He crosses it out and starts again /What part of 'mortal enimies' is to complicated for you to/ He crosses it out and starts again /Look, I know I'm being a jerk, but there's just no way around/ He crosses it out and starts again /We can't be friends when you're spending all your time with a bunch of/ He crosses it out and starts again /It just makes it worse when I think about you too much, so don't write anymore/ He crosses it out and starts again but leaves this last part the way it is /Yeah, I miss you, too. A lot. Doesn't change anything. Sorry.
She doesn't want Edward to know that she is trying to save them. Alice left the note there for only Bella to see. If Edward knew that she was trying to save Renesmee, he would say it was too dangerous and wouldn't let her.
If you mean in breaking Dawn. Bella's ribs are craking because of Renesme (Eward and Bella's daughter). She then dies and Edward is trying to turn her into a vampire. note: they go renesme out before she dies and then becomes a vamp. Then Jacob goes down stairs and thinks Bella is dead. He thinks in his mind that he wants to kill Renesme but then he imprints n her when he sees her. Note 2: Imprinting is where a werewolf sees a person and they know that they are supposed to spend their life with them. I guess its like falling in love, sort of but way more certain.
The Cullens (vampires):Edward Cullen, Bella Swan (married to Edward, later on, she was changed into a vampire), Renesmee Cullen (Bella and Edward's daughter), Alice Cullen ( married to Jasper), Jasper Hale, Esme Cullen (married to Carlisle), Carlisle Cullen, Rosalie Hale (married to Emmett), Emmett Cullen.Note: All of their last names (except Carlisle's and Bella's) is not real. These are just what they tell the humans. They are not a real family.The Pack (some of them)Jacob Black, Billy Black (Jacob's dad), Sam Uley (Alpha), Seth Cleawater, Leah Clearwater, Quill Ateara and Embry Call (Jacob's best friends).Note: Not all of the people that is a member of the pack is on there. Stephenie Meyer doesn't mention them much.Humans (don't know werewolves and vampires exist):Charlie Swan (Bella's dad), Renee (Bella's mom), Phil (Renee's second husband and Bella's stepdad).Note: There are many more unimportant human characters.The below was taken from: charactersBella SwanEdward CullenJacob BlackAlice CullenCarlisle CullenEsme CullenRosalie HaleEmmett CullenJasper HaleRenesmee CullenVampiresThe VolturiJamesVictoriaLaurentRileyAmazonian covenAmerican nomadsDenali covenEgyptian covenEuropean nomadsIrish covenRomanian covenWerewolves/Shape-shiftersSam UleyQuil AtearaEmbry CallPaulJaredLeah ClearwaterSeth ClearwaterCollin and BradyEphraim BlackHumansCharlie SwanRenée DwyerHarry ClearwaterBilly BlackTyler CrowleyLauren MalloryMike NewtonJessica StanleyAngela WeberEric YorkieEmily YoungSue ClearwaterJ. Jenks-princesswolfie
he say to her "i hope You enjoy disapointment" after asking whether seh'll drop wanting to know how he saved her. he makes up a story and says that she's confused cuz she hit her head....erm why dont you just read the book though?
In music, duration is the length of a note. So in common time (4/4) a whole note's duration is 4 beats, dotted half note is 3 beats, a half note has 2 beats and a quarter note has a duration of 1 beat.
yes in the twilight series...but not twilight. I know he gives her one in breaking dawn and they pass notes in class in eclipse but i don't think in twilight......
The character who said "be safe" in the Twilight franchise is Bella Swan. Bella often says this to Edward Cullen as a way of expressing her concern for his safety.
If you go to pages 86-89 of Eclipse, you will find a conversation between Bella and Edward in note form, and her writing is used.
Be safe.
Bella struggles with feelings of depression and low self-worth throughout the Twilight series due to various factors, such as her feelings of alienation and the overwhelming new changes in her life. Additionally, her complex relationships with Edward and Jacob contribute to her emotional turmoil. It's important to note that mental health issues like depression can affect individuals for a multitude of reasons, and seeking support is crucial in overcoming them.
well there are four books: twilight, new moon, eclipse and breaking dawn. i don't know if you are asking for a summary of twilight or eclipse... twilight: Bella (a human) falls in love with edward (a 'good' vampire), when moving to her father in forks, Washington... then three 'bad' vampires: James, Victoria and Laurent pass through the town, and James becomes attracted to Bella's 'scent'. this drives him crazy, he starts to hunt bela - causing Bella to almost die, but edward is able to save her. the book ends with a happy note: James is dead, and edward and Bella are in love. if you were talking about eclipse, this is a summary: since James is dead, Victoria (the other bad vampire) wants to get revenge on edward for killing him. she wants to kill Bella (as in mate for mate: edward killed her mate, so she will kill Edwards mate aka Bella). Victoria creates a vampire army, but with the help of Bella's friend, Jacob (a werewolf) they are able to defeat victorias army. meanwhile, there is a problem with Bella and Edwards relationship, because Bella has is in love with her best friend Jacob, but does not admit it. still, at the end Bella agrees to marry edward, and Jacob is quite sad that she chose edward instead of him. NOTE: Not sheet music.
She doesn't want Edward to know that she is trying to save them. Alice left the note there for only Bella to see. If Edward knew that she was trying to save Renesmee, he would say it was too dangerous and wouldn't let her.
When Jacob received the wedding invitation to Bella and Edwards wedding. Edward had included a personal note to Jacob inviting him, stating that if the situation were reversed he would have want to have the choice to go or not. Jacob could not handle the stress of it all and at the end of Eclipse he takes off running like lightening, transforming into a wolf wishing to never assume human form again. He wanted to leave "Jacob Black" behind, forever.
its the note that the sharp is on. Eg. Fsharp - F changes, etc.
Bella Swan's handwriting in the Twilight movies was created using the "AlexandriaFLF" font.