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Well firstly, Rosalie was very very pretty, and more than anything she wanted the perfect handsome prince, a perfect baby and a huge house. She met her prince charming and they got engaged. One night when it was snowing heavily, she was walking home when she came upon for prince and his friends. They were very drunk and started to beat her up and started to rape her we all think. After they finished beating her, they just walked away and left her there to die in the freezing cold snow. Fortunately, carlisle came along, and thought that it seemed like too much of a waste to let her die, so he took her home and bit her and changed her into a vampire.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

Quote : " 'Show him what you look like, Rose!' He laughed again and then he tore my hat out of my hair. The pins wrenched my hair from the roots, and I cried out in pain, they seemed to enjoy that-- the sound of my pain. Carlisle found me then. He'd smelled the blood, and come to investigate. I thought i'd died when he pulled me from the ground and ran with me if felt like i was flying. But suddenly something sharp was cutting me, my throat, wrists ...

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βˆ™ 16y ago

Rosalie became a vampire from Carlisle, she was abused by her husband and her husbands friend when she was on the way home from a friend's house. They left her to bleed to death, but Carlisle found her and stated she was too beautiful to let a creature like her go to waste.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

Dakota:She was found by carlisle who found her dying in the streets. P.S. she was abused by her Fiancee a few days before her wedding. he was drunk and he and his friends beat her almost to death and raped her.

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Q: In Twilight how did Rosalie become a vampire?
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