If you live in america, you can watch all episodes legally and free on the simpsons website.
There is a actual place called springfield, but this springfield has no relations to the the simpsons what so ever. And also in the simpsons whenever some one is about to reviel the location of springfield they are eather stopped or another character blocks the screen. So all in all there is no actual real simpsons springfield.
idk look it up on answers dot com like all the creeps of the world do cause they want to no the names of someones kids...
His youngest sister is Maggie then Lisa that's all.
no it won't work
The percentage of all children that watch The Simpsons is incalculable.
ALL the names in the Bible are children's names! Because every person in the Bible was once a child. Their parents named them, so all the names are for kids.
In order of release: Iyiyi Summertime All Day I Want Candy Love On My Mind Not Just You Angel
no but the program family is like the simpsons
The cast was all adults, no children.
yes it is sure that people can have babys like marge off the simpsons had 3 children, not all bright of course but she had 3
Did hernanado de soto have children
all i know it sean and craig!
Go to WTSO.Net. That's where you can watch almost all of The Simpsons episodesgo on youtube.com and type in simpsons episode...... watevaprobably youtubeiwatchsimpsonsonline.com
Currently, The Simpsons are on every day except Saturday. This will probably change soon as other shows all take over The Simpsons. Still, the simpsons will take over again!
Brian Piccolo's children were all girls and were named Lori, Traci, and Kirsti