Bilbo put a letter on the spoons to Angelica so they were for her
Bilbo Baggins' Diary Entry Dear diary, Today, after having thirteen unexpected guests over at my house I was taken on an adventure. I was only just starting to realize how far this journey would be and how much respect I would lose from my community when we were faced with three nasty trolls. Their names were Bert, Tom and William. They were complete morons. They were also very hungry and thought the dwarves would be perfect for dinner. Thankfully, they had no interest in eating me. Just as the first of the dwarves was about to be cooked, Gandalf made his move. Like me he had noticed that the trolls were not very smart. So when they were not looking he sneaked into the bushes behind them. Then he started teasing them but did it in a way that made the trolls think it was them. Once they were confused and had started fighting with each other, I slipped on my invisibility ring and set the dwarves free. After that Gandalf turned the trolls into stone and we had a lovely dinner. Although it was delicious, it was not a good start to our quest.
As the dwarves and Bilbo were traveling through Mirkwood, they began to lose hope. It was dark, damp, and nearly pitchblack. There was no sunlight, no breeze, and the air was clammy and moist. They didn't have any decent food left, nor water, and they used up their arrows most foolishly. It was miserable. I don't blame them for getting so upset.
After Gandolf has left and they think they will be lost in Mirk wood forever
They are both hobbits, or at least Gollum was closely related. They were both used by the ring. They both lose a bit of their souls to the ring. And the ring gives them both unusual longevity. Gollum and Bilbo also appear to speak a similar dialect, or at least know the same language enough to communicate.
Bilbo uses his magic ring and his wits. He follows Gollum with the ring on and is able to leap over him to get to the back door. There he squeezes through, though he lose his buttons doing so.
Bilbo Baggins' Diary Entry Dear diary, Today, after having thirteen unexpected guests over at my house I was taken on an adventure. I was only just starting to realize how far this journey would be and how much respect I would lose from my community when we were faced with three nasty trolls. Their names were Bert, Tom and William. They were complete morons. They were also very hungry and thought the dwarves would be perfect for dinner. Thankfully, they had no interest in eating me. Just as the first of the dwarves was about to be cooked, Gandalf made his move. Like me he had noticed that the trolls were not very smart. So when they were not looking he sneaked into the bushes behind them. Then he started teasing them but did it in a way that made the trolls think it was them. Once they were confused and had started fighting with each other, I slipped on my invisibility ring and set the dwarves free. After that Gandalf turned the trolls into stone and we had a lovely dinner. Although it was delicious, it was not a good start to our quest.
As the dwarves and Bilbo were traveling through Mirkwood, they began to lose hope. It was dark, damp, and nearly pitchblack. There was no sunlight, no breeze, and the air was clammy and moist. They didn't have any decent food left, nor water, and they used up their arrows most foolishly. It was miserable. I don't blame them for getting so upset.
Bilbo wins when Gollum can not guess what is in his (Bilbo's) pockets
After Gandolf has left and they think they will be lost in Mirk wood forever
There is a good chance you would be able to lose a little, depending on how much you want to lose...
This one: "His [Smaug's] rage passes description--the sort of rage that is only seen when rich folk that have more than they can enjoy suddenly lose something that they have long had but have never before used or wanted."
You can lose weight by exercising (not too vigorously) and having a well balanced diet
have to eat foods with low cholestrol
Yes AND no. Yes because when Thorin, Bilbo and the others went into his lair, he deliberately laid on his stomach on his treasure. Why else; to defend this weak spot! No because he forgot. Bilbo tricked Smaug twice into revealing it. The first was during his conversation with Bilbo. Smaug was very polite with Bilbo listening to his riddles. Convinced that Bilbo did not mean him any harm, Smaug rolled over on his back. Bilbo saw the spot where the scale was missing somewhere on Smaug's chest. The second time was when Smaug realised that Bilbo ran away with a golden two handled cup. This pushed Smaug's infuriation to its boiling point. He started destroying things and eating the dwarfs ponies and when he got to Long Lake, he was flying so high that the chink in Smaug's armor was visible. Bard the Bowman shot him in that very spot, Smaug didn't see it coming.
They are both hobbits, or at least Gollum was closely related. They were both used by the ring. They both lose a bit of their souls to the ring. And the ring gives them both unusual longevity. Gollum and Bilbo also appear to speak a similar dialect, or at least know the same language enough to communicate.
Bilbo uses his magic ring and his wits. He follows Gollum with the ring on and is able to leap over him to get to the back door. There he squeezes through, though he lose his buttons doing so.
Slightly smaller portions and replace chocolate with healthier snacks.