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Emily's face is scarred because her fiance SAM which is also a pack leader lost his temper and she was to close to him and he accidentally malled her

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Q: In New Moon why is Emily's face scarred?
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What happened to emilys face in the movie twilight new moon?

Her boyfriend, the werewolf leader got angry and he scratched her face by accident. He regrets it very much.

Where is Emily scarred in new moon?

Because when sam gotten out of control and was turning into a wolf he scratched her accidentally with his claws .

In what face solar eclipse occur?

New moon.

The significance of the title of the book New Moon?

If you have noticed, all the books in the Twilight Saga are phases of the moon and sky. For example, Twilight, is a face of the stars. New Moon is a face of the moon, like when there is a full moon or a new one. Eclipse is a face of the sun and moon. And Breaking Dawn is a face of the day, in the morning. Although the above answer has a point, I believe this would be closer to the answer to what you asked: when there is a night with no moon, it is called a "new moon." Since the story is from Bella's POV, the title is describing how Bella's life at such a hard time was like a night with no moon: dark and directionless. Since Edward left, she feels like she has no purpose and can't see where she's headed.

When the shadow of the earth falls on the moon you experience a?

New moon. No, no, no. It is an eclipse of the moon. ( A new moon is when the illuminated face of the moon faces away from the earth, and as it moves around in its orbit you catch a glimpse of a tiny arc of its illuminated surface).

Who is Emily young in New Moon?

Emily is the financee of Sam, she is stunningly beautiful, in an exotic way. She has long, silky black hair, and an olive tone to her skin. Unfortunatly, Sam was angry once, morphed into a wolf, and attacked Emily, so all the way down the right side of her face is scarred, her eye is mangled, and her lip is scarred so it looks like she is permently sad. Hope this helped xo

How are the new moon and the full moon alike?

Both the new moon and the full moon are phases of the moon's cycle. They both occur when the moon is in alignment with the Earth and the sun. During a new moon, the moon is not visible from Earth while during a full moon, the entire face of the moon is illuminated.

How can you describe the moon?

The moon is Earth's natural satellite, about 1/6th the size of Earth. It lacks atmosphere and water, appearing grey because it reflects sunlight. It has phases as it orbits Earth, from new moon to full moon.

What is it called when you cant see the moon at all?

When you can't see the moon at all in the sky, it is called a new moon. This occurs when the moon is positioned between the Earth and the Sun, making the side of the moon that is illuminated face away from the Earth.

Does a thin crescent moon always face the same way?

No, the orientation of the thin crescent moon can vary depending on the time of year and your location on Earth. The angle at which the crescent moon is tilted can change as it moves in its orbit around the Earth.

Why does Edward get a crack in his face in the fight in New moon?

Felix almost killing him

What is it called when the moon looks like a smiley face?

When the moon appears in a smiley face shape, it is called a waxing crescent moon. This phase occurs shortly after the new moon phase, when the moon is beginning to grow in illumination.