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At the very end of the book, after Jack had accidentally set fire to the entire island in an attempt to hunt down and kill Ralph, Ralph staggered on to the beach pursued by the hunters and came face to face with a naval officer. A naval cutter and crew were hauled up on the beach. The officer asked what was going on and told Ralph that, "We saw your smoke." So the book ironically ended with the rescue of the remaining boys by a naval vessel which had been attracted by the same fire which had been lit in an attempt to kill one of those same boys.

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14y ago
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14y ago

A Naval officer arrived on the island at the end of the book, when his vessel was attracted to the island by the smoke generated which Jack accidentally set the entire island on fire in his attempt to hunt and kill Ralph.

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14y ago

The naval officer looked at Jack and saw, I quote... "A little boy who wore the remains of an extraordinary black cap on his red hair and who carried the remains of a pair of spectacles at his waist..."

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9y ago

Actually the officer resembles irony and naivety. He came onto the island by the fire Jack started to smoke Ralph out of the forest. This is ironic as Ralph was so concerned with keeping a signal fire but the wild and uncontrolled fire ends up saving them from killing each other. This is also ironic since the naval officer saves them from murdering each other, while he himself is engaged in an equal act of savagery- the war. The boys are so detached from the officer's world, they felt shocked at his arrival instead of rejoicing at their being saved. Ralph even cries from the Horror of savagery and inhumanity he had experienced on the island, for the death of his friend Piggy and for his "loss of innocence".

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13y ago

Jack is viewed upon as a little boy who is essentially running for his life, fearful of his fellow boys.

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Q: In Lord of the Flies what does the naval officer see Jack as?
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The Naval Officer

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In "Lord of the Flies," Ralph is saved by a naval officer who arrives on the island to rescue the boys. The officer sees the chaos and destruction caused by the boys and intervenes to put a stop to it. Ralph is ultimately saved from the savage tribe led by Jack.

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Jack set the entire island on fire in hopes to kill Ralph with the flames, however; he was unsuccessful because the naval officer showed up before Ralph could be murdered.

What is the naval officers full name in lord of the flies?

If you had read the book you would know that while the surnames of Jack and Percival are revealed most of the boys' surnames are never mention. Bill, Harold, Samneric, Roger etc are only ever called by their first names and none of Piggy's real name is even mentioned.

Did anyone make it off the island of the lord of flies?

Yes, at the end of the novel "Lord of the Flies" by William Golding, a naval officer arrives and rescues the remaining boys from the island.

In lord of the flies when the naval officer finds out that two boys has been kill what do he do about it?

Nothing. There's nothing he CAN do. Their dead and gone.

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the irony is that the naval officer says that they are playing fun and games when in their eyes this battle is for real

What comparison is made at the end of Lord of the Flies?

The Naval officer said, "I know. Jolly good show. Like the Coral island."

Do the kids ever get off of the island in lord of the flies?

Yes, in "Lord of the Flies," the kids are eventually rescued off the island by a naval officer who spots the chaos and destruction that has taken place among the boys. The arrival of the officer signifies the rescue and return to civilization for the surviving children.