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Sectumsempra is a Dark Arts curse invented by Severus Snape (under his alias of "The Half-Blood Prince") for the use against his enemies, and it soon became one of his specialities. When uttered, its effect is the equivalent of an invisible sword, slashing the target repeatedly. The injuries appear to follow the movements of the caster's wand, and thus inflicts the most damage if cast with rapid waving movements. It works best on living targets and has no noticeable effect on inanimate objects or dead ones, such as Inferi, other than slashing them pointlessly. Sometimes the slashing cuts are continual, or it could be one cut.

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13y ago
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14y ago

Sectumsempra is a Dark curse invented by Severus Snape (under his alias of "The Half-Blood Prince") for use against his enemies. When uttered, its effect is the equivalent of an invisible sword, slashing the target repeatedly and inflicting near-horrific scarring and internal bodily injuries, to the point they are disfigured or possibly killed. It works best on living targets and has no noticeable effect on inaminmate objects or dead ones.

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15y ago

Sectumsempra is a Dark Magic curse invented by Severus Snape, or the half-blood prince. Latin sectum meaning "cut" or "having been cut" and Latin semper meaning "always". It is for use against enemies and when uttered it gives an effect equivalent to invisible scord that slashes the target repeatedly. Harry used the curse upon him when Malfoy was poised to use a Cruciatus Curse.

Sectumsempra is pretty much a thousand ( or more) little knives going into a person, therefor causing them to bleed continuously. This spell was made by the great Severus Snape, or for all of you who don't pay attention to those awesome Professors ( Flitwick, McGonagall, Snape, Trelawny, Slughorn etc.) Professor Snape. Harry used this spell on Draco Malfoy in year 6.

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11y ago

Sectumsempra is a curse that was invented by Severus Snape.

When cast, the victim suffers deep wounds and as a result looses a lot of blood. If not treated immediately, the victim could die from blood loss rather quickly.

Harry Potter used it on Draco Malfoy in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. The only reason Draco survive is because Snape walked into the bathroom and saved Draco. This then prompted Harry to hide the potions book, and altered Snape to Harry having the book.

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13y ago

It violently wounds the victim, spilling blood everywhere.

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14y ago

It flings you to the casters right and makes you bleed badly. It sort of puts knife pokes inside of you. It was invented by Severus Snape, son of Eileen Prince and Tobias Snape

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13y ago

Sectumsempra is the spell that was created by Snape, it acts like a sword to slice through the enemy.

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The spell that Harry Potter used to cause Draco Malfoy to bleed continuously in the bathroom duel scene of "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" is called "sectumsempra".

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You pronounce the spell like this, (sec-tum-sem-prah). and you spell it like this Sectumsempra.

Is Sectumsempra a spell in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince?

Yes, it was invented by Severus Snape.

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Sectumsempra is a spell from Harry Potter. Good job, smart one.

Why did Draco Malfoy suffer in blood?

Draco Malfoy was coverd in blood because amazing Harry potter did the spell "sectumsempra"

Is the spell sectumsempra a real spell?

It is 'real' in the world of Harry Potter, yes. Snape invented it and wrote it in his old potions textbook, where Harry learned it, and used it on Draco.

In Harry Potter and the Half Bood Prince where all the spells?

if You mean the spells in the potions book we learned mufliato, levicorpus (liberacorpus) and sectumsempra

If people don't want you saying curses why were they invented?

Cursus are found for an instance in Harry Potter Severus Snape inventesd the Sectumsempra curse

What page in HP6 does Harry use the spell 'sectumsempra'?

Chapter 24 sectumsempra pages 521- 522

What are some spells used in Harry potter?

Avada Kedavra, Stupefy, Sectumsempra, Wingardium Leviosa, Aguamenti, Accio, Alohomora, Crucio, Expelliarmus, Expecto Patronum.