Adam bright cassey Charlie guy Loren
i believe there is a season 3 because i watched season 1 and 2 and when i watched season 2 episode 52 ( episode 52 is the last episode in season 2 ) at the end of it the evil girl named blue freed reyna ( reyna is the evil girl in season 1 ) I HOPE THAT ITS IN ENGLISH CAUSE IN SEASON 2 IT WAS ALL FRENCH AND GREEK SO YA I HOPE SO....
Well based on Episode 26 Information "At the very end of the episode Tamaki encounters a long purple haired woman with blue eyes, hinting that Bamboo Blade may have another season to come." So theirs a possibility that their may be another season to come.
Since this question requires opinions there is no real answer however,Blue Harvest and Death Has a Shadoware 2 of the highest rated episodes.Logically the 'best' episode is the one YOU like the most.
The Season 2 Episode: Telling Time With Blue Season 1: Snack Time Season 2: What does Blue Wanna do on a Rainy Day Season 2: What does Blue Want to do with her Picture
blue water high is PG because there is bad words and i am ONLY on episode 7 season 1
season 4 episode 2 - who's vod kanockers
Loren, Cassie, Bridget, charlie, Adam and Guy
The episode was titled "The Earth King" and it is in Book 2.
Adam bright cassey Charlie guy Loren
There are many, but favorites are: Homecoming, Season 10, Episode 4. Red, Season 2, Episode 4. Accelerate, Season 2, Episode 21. Instinct, Season 8, Episode 9. The first season premiere of Season 10. Salvation, Season 9, Episode 22 or 21. (Last episode when Clark is stabbed with the blue kryptonite dagger and kinda dies.)
season 2 episode 1
The red head in Rookie Blue season 5 episode 1 is Disney.
Season 1 Episode 9, Blue Moon. (:
Season One Episode "Music"
First episode season 6